The Advisory Forum brings together over 100 NGOs, service providers and other experts from across the UK anti-trafficking sector, and provides a unique opportunity to engage with Parliamentarians and policy-makers. The Forum also offers an opportunity to network, collaborate and share best practice. The Foundation operates a fortnightly newsletter for Forum members with information about policy, events, campaigns, reports and details of our forums.
Our online forums were initially convened in response to the Covid outbreak, in order to share learning. We continue to hold these online forums regularly, to also address other topics relevant to the sector.
If you would be interested in attending or speaking at future online forums, please contact
Knowledge Sharing Sessions
The Human Trafficking Foundation is hosting a series of Knowledge Sharing sessions for the anti-slavery sector. Please click the links below for more information on the upcoming sessions and to sign up:
Financial Exploitation of Children and Young People with The Children's Society 5th February 12pm-1pm
Public Order Disqualifications with Duncan Lewis Solicitors 12th March 11am-12pm
Working with Interpreters with Helen Bamber Foundation 24th April 12pm-1pm
Identification Insights for First Responders with Medaille Trust 23rd May 12pm-1pm
Data in action: Creating data-led campaigns to prevent exploitation with The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster City Council and STOP THE TRAFFIK 30th May 12-1pm
Cognitive Impairment and Modern Slavery with the University of Nottingham Rights Lab 13th June 12pm-1pm
Spiritual and Ritual Abuse with Prism Training Ltd 16th July 12pm-1pm
Overseas Domestic Workers with Kalayaan and Voice of Domestic Workers 1st August 12pm-1pm
Homelessness and Modern Slavery with The Passage 18th September 12pm-1pm
Support and Protection for Albanian Survivors of Modern Slavery with Shpresa 20th September 11am-12pm
Forced Criminal Exploitation: The Legal Context with Southwell & Partners 21st October 12pm-1pm
Compensation Claims for Survivors of Exploitation with Hugh James Solicitors 3rd December 12pm-1pm
Freedom of Information Requests with After Exploitation 11th December 2023 1-3pm
If you have a topic of expertise that you would like to share with the sector, or if there is a topic that you would like to learn about, please contact
26th february 2025
In-Person Advisory Forum
In February, the Human Trafficking Foundation hosted the annual in-person forum. Updates on the Employment Rights Bill, Crime and Policing Bill were given, and updates on the work being done by statutory agency representatives and NGO partners from across the sector were provided. The minutes can be found here.
17th july 2024
Co-working Between Lived and Learnt Experience
The anti-trafficking sector is making efforts to ensure that experts with lived experience are meaningfully involved within efforts to tackle the issues of modern slavery. It is important that this involvement is properly considered and ensures genuine opportunity for those with lived experience. The Human Trafficking Foundation, in collaboration with the Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP), facilitated this forum that explored good practice in effective co-working between lived and learnt experience. Read the post-forum briefing here.
30th April 2024
Transitional Safeguarding
This forum delves into what transitional safeguarding is, why it is important, and best practice examples of how to implement it effectively across a variety of settings. Resources and events mentioned during the forum can be found here.
Slides from Dez Holmes (What is Transitional Safeguarding?), Laura Duran (Statutory Guidance and Legislation in the UK), Bina Godhania (Best Practice from the ICTG Service) and Lynn Torpey (NHS and Transitional Safeguarding)
22nd february 2024
In-Person Advisory Forum
In February, the Human Trafficking Foundation hosted the annual in-person forum. We were joined by the Chair of the Home Affairs Committee Dame Diana Johnson and NGO and statutory agency representatives from across the sector. The minutes can be found here.
8th december 2023
Modern Slavery and Exploitation in the Care Sector
This online forum explores the reasons for the recent increase in reported cases of modern slavery and exploitation in the care sector.
22nd february 2023
In-Person Advisory Forum
In February, the Human Trafficking Foundation hosted its first in-person forum since pre-Covid. We were joined by NGO and statutory agency representatives from across the sector, and representatives from the Home Office’s Modern Slavery Unit. The minutes can be found here.
22nd September 2022
Creating the Conditions for Exploitation? Exploring UK Labour Visa Schemes
This online forum explores the unintended consequences of visa schemes in the UK and raises recommendations for visa reforms and stricter regulation in high-risk industries to offer greater protection to migrant workers from abuse and exploitation. Read the post-event report summary here.
14th july 2022
Upcoming Legislation Forum
This forum was a sector-wide discussion to explore proposed legislation relating to modern slavery and human trafficking and discuss proactively consider how the Anti-Trafficking sector can collectively respond to proposed legislative changes.
15th june 2022
Supporting LGBTQI+ Survivors of Modern Slavery
This forum explores the experiences and challenges that LGBTQI+ survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking can face in the UK. Minutes can be found here.
5th may 2022
Addressing the Risks of Exploitation for Displaced Ukrainians in the UK
HTF hosted this online forum to discuss with the Anti-Trafficking sector how to ensure the safety of Ukrainian refugees arriving in the UK. Access the minutes here.
Slides on the Ukraine Extension Scheme from FLEX and slides from Hope at Home.
28th april 2022
HTF Online Forum: Rwanda Asylum Offshoring Proposal & Modern Slavery
This online forum explores the possible implications for survivors of trafficking under the Home Office's new offshoring asylum plans. Read the minutes here.
25th FEBRUARY 2022
Human Trafficking Through An International Lens
This online forum examines forms of human trafficking around the world, considering both the UK's response and the global industries implicated in exploitation.
30th november 2021
Survivors and the Interplay of Exploitation with Learning Disabilities
Co-hosted with the Snowdrop Project, this online forum investigates the under-explored correlation between learning disabilities and Modern Slavery and the barriers survivors with learning disabilities face in navigating support. Read the post-event summary report here.
One Year On: Promoting Race Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Join BME Anti-Slavery Network's (BASNET) at the second EDI Online Conference to mark the launch of BASNET’S publication 'Promoting Racial Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An Action Plan for the UK Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Sector’ hosted by Baroness Lola Young of Hornsey, OBE. Download the minutes here and read the Action Plan here.
23rd june 2021
The Nexus Between Trafficking and Technology
Join us to explore the criminal misuse of technology and initiatives addressing the role of the internet in facilitating human trafficking. Download the minutes here.
24th may 2021
The Barriers to Accessing Work and Education for Modern Slavery Survivors
Co-hosted with the Access to Work Coalition this online forum explores the barriers to work and education survivors currently experience. Download the minutes here.
27th April 2021
The Experience of Detention & Asylum for Modern-Day Slavery Survivors
This online forum discusses the experiences and challenges of asylum and detention that survivors of modern slavery and trafficking face in the UK. Download the minutes here.
23rd march 2021
Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines
This online forum explores the challenges and responses to child criminal exploitation. Download the minutes here.
18th march 2021
Ongoing and Future Challenges Faced by Survivors due to COVID-19
This online forum focused on the ongoing impacts of the pandemic on modern slavery survivors. Download the minutes here.
25th January 2021
The Voice of British Survivors of Human Trafficking
This online forum focused on the challenges faced by British survivors before, during and after the NRM. Download the minutes here.
13th January 2021
‘Taking back control of our borders?’: Report launch
At the launch of our new report ‘Taking back control of our borders?’: The impact on modern-day slavery we heard from experts who contributed to the report, discussing the impact of Brexit and the new immigration system on modern slavery in the UK.
20th August 2020
Brexit and the Immigration Bill
Speakers discussed a range of areas including the legal changes and what they mean; the impact on workers in the UK; how this will affect modern slavery transnational investigation; survivors' rights; the impact on refugee family reunion; and survivor support during this transition. View the minutes here.
18th June 2020
Covid online forum
This online forum was convened in response to the pandemic for anti-trafficking colleagues to share information, updates and examples of best practice.