Support, resources and updates
As the situation develops, we will be sharing resources that could be helpful for those working in the anti-trafficking sector during the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. If you have come across any resources that you feel could be helpful for others, please send them to and we will add them to this page.
We will also send out weekly updates to our subscribers with new resources. If you are not on our newsletter mailing list already and would like to receive this, please contact
Government advice for vulnerable children and young people.
COVID-19 guidance for those supporting children including those who have a social worker and those children and young people up to the age of 25 with education, health and care (EHC) plans here.
The Children’s Society on spotting signs of abuse and neglect during Covid-19 lockdown
“For the most vulnerable children and young people, school is a safe haven, a place to go to escape abuse, harm and neglect. With school and college closures, we must all be more aware of signs of abuse and neglect within our communities…” See full post and resources here
Independent Child Trafficking Guardianship Service (s48 MSA 2015)
Any child that is potentially trafficked can be referred into the ICTG Service run by Barnardo’s if they are supported by a local authority in Wales, Hampshire and Isle of Wight, Greater Manchester, East Midlands, West Midlands Combined Authorities and the London Borough of Croydon. To refer please telephone the 24/7 365 Support Line on 0800 043 4303 or access a referral form. The ICTG Service has made provisions to be able to continue to take referrals, support children new into service remotely and carry working with current children. This includes the work of the Regional Practice Co-ordinator. Details of the service's current operation are on the document linked here. Updates are shared on Twitter @Barnardos_NCTS.
Hope for Justice advice for keeping children safe online during isolation
During the school closures, children and teenagers are likely to be spending more time online, where they may be targeted by online predators. This information includes tips for keeping them safe.
domestic abuse
Survivors of domestic abuse may feel particularly alone and be at risk during self-isolation.
Refuge resources
Tips for survivors to stay safe during isolation here, and tips for using technology safely here (with a chat box function for those who think the perpetrator is controlling their device). National helpline 0808 2000 247.
Respect Phoneline (for perpetrators)
This helpline can help those who perpetrate abuse to change their behaviour: Freephone 0808 802 4040.
Rights of Women
Guidance on child contact arrangements during the pandemic. They will also continue to provide free and confidential legal advice.
Safe Lives
Resources for survivors and practitioners on staying safe here, including links to resources for children affected by domestic abuse, and external links to resources for those concerned about finances or immigration status, or those with a disability.
Surviving Economic Abuse
A guide to spotting the signs of economic abuse during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (PDF).
Women’s Aid
Safety tips, links and resources for survivors of domestic abuse during the COVID outbreak here, including an online and confidential chat function.
Health resources
for survivors
Doctors of the World COVID-19 information in various languages
Doctors of the World, in partnership with the Red Cross, Migrant Help and Clear Voice, have produced Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for patients in 44 languages. Please find them here
UK Government Guidance in various Languages
Information for shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable from COVID-19 is available in 12 languages here
Stay at Home Guidance in 11 languages, available here
Scientific Animations Without Borders videos on How to Wash Your Hands available in various languages
Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) has two short, animated tutorials targeted across ages, cultures and literacy levels available on key disease prevention topics. These videos are available immediately for your download and distribution free of charge. How to Wash Your Hands is available here in 21 language variants and demonstrates proper hand washing.
for health professionals
COVID-19: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking / Rapid Read
NHS document outlining ways the pandemic may increase risk of modern slavery and exploitation and how to access support. See document here
A Health Provider’s Role in Fighting Human Trafficking Blog Post
Nursing License Map have published a blog post ‘A Health Provider’s Role in Fighting Human Trafficking’ exploring the several steps health care providers can take to identify human trafficking and intervene.
Update: Government announces initial emergency funding of £3.2 million to help people who are sleeping rough to self-isolate
Chartered Institute of Housing: Working with migrants and refugees during the COVID-19 crisis (15 April)
This fact sheet (available here) is intended to help those working with people with different kinds of immigration status, whether they are tenants or come to you for advice. It is based on the information provided by the housing rights website, run by CIH and BMENational for migrants who need help and for advisers who need detailed guidance on eligibility for housing and benefits.
Advice for survivors denied NRM accommodation due to reasons related to Coronavirus.
It is unlawful to deny to deny housing to a survivor who has a legal entitlement to accommodation under the NRM because of concerns they may be infected with COVID-19. If this happens, ATLEU have drafted a letter template you can use here.
Homeless Link
Advice on how to avoid spreading the virus and prepare for different scenarios when supporting people who are experiencing homelessness here. Includes regular updates and webinars.
Government guidance for hostel or day centre providers of services for people experiencing rough sleeping
Updated 7th August. View here.
immigration updates
Home Office video
The Home Office has produced a video to explain the implications of the closure of Visa application centres, available here
Information on Biometric Enrolment during COVID-19
The Anti-Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit (ATLEU) has put together this information sheet on changes to policies and procedures for biometric enrolment. Please contact ATLEU if you would like general advice about someone you are supporting. If the query is urgent you can ring our office number on 020 7700 7311 but otherwise please email us on
NHS entitlements: migrant health guide
There can be no charge made to an overseas visitor for the diagnosis or treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19). No charges apply to testing for COVID-19, even if the result is negative. No immigration checks are required for overseas visitors who are known to be only undergoing testing or treatment for COVID-19. Full guide here.
Garden Court Chambers North Resource Page: Immigration and Asylum During Coronavirus
A directory of information and sources of support for immigrants, asylum-seekers and their representatives while the system is affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Refugee Council updates on Home Office Asylum & Resettlement policy and practice in response to Covid-19
This helpful page is updated daily to provide updates on the temporary measures in place due to the outbreak.
Reporting, submissions and substantive interviews
Updates collated from the Home Office on 19 March. Download here.
mental health and wellbeing
General advice for looking after your mental health and wellbeing during this stressful time.
Helen Bamber Foundation
The Helen Bamber Foundation COVID-19 webpage includes a useful list of resources around Support and Guidance during COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, including support for those struggling with the mental health impacts of the pandemic and associated restrictions.
‘Face COVID’: How to respond effectively to the Corona crisis
Wellbeing resource including practical steps to respond to the crisis in a way that supports your wellbeing.
Wellbeing guidance for migrant communities
Doctors of the World, in partnership with Thrive LDN, has produced wellbeing guidance to support migrant communities during COVID-19, available here in 27 languages.
Future Learn
Future Learn offers free psychology & mental health courses to provide learners with vital skills, research, and training for their professional development.
Mental Health at Christmas: Tips for Coping
Rehab 4 Addition have produced an infographic looking at mental health at Christmas, offering a number of tips to help those who are suffering from ill-mental health issues during this time of year.
online training
Hestia FREE Online Modern Slavery and Homelessness Training
Hestia housing and support with funding from MCHLG are hosting a free online Modern Slavery and Homelessness training. The training is for local Authority frontline staff working within homelessness. Details of the training are available here. Contact for information and to register.
SAFE Special Online Safeguarding Training offer
Anyone setting up and/or running a group to help people in this crisis needs to be aware of their Safeguarding responsibilities and what to do if there is a concern. These courses are being offered by SAFE at cost price under SAFE’s community objectives to help in this crisis. Further details on the SAFE CiC website
SAFE is also offering a free public access safeguarding crisis hub to help all those who work with or care for at risk groups
Solace Women’s Aid
Free online training throughout April for frontline practitioners working with survivors of domestic abuse. Register here.
Stronger Together Online Training
Stronger Together have made several of their workshops available online. See further information on their website.
school closures - home-schooling resources
We are aware that some survivors are worried about how to continue their children’s education during the school closure. Here are some free online resources that could be helpful.
Family Zone - National Literacy Trust
Literacy resources for children up to aged twelve here.
White Rose Maths
Maths teaching resources for early years, primary and secondary here.
Social welfare and finances
Daily updates on social welfare changes and updates in response to the outbreak.
Financial advice for people facing financial hardship, including a benefits calculator and updates.
Support for charities
National Lottery Community Foundation launches Coronavirus Community Support Fund
The National Lottery Community Foundation (NLCF) has launched a £200m fund for organisations in England who are supporting people and communities experiencing disproportionate challenges and difficulty during the pandemic, and those that provide services and support for vulnerable people and have seen an increase in demand or have lost income. This is part of the £750m support package for the sector announced by the Chancellor on 8 April.
A joint panel set up by Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and NLCF will advise on distribution of funding. Further funding will be committed and informed by emerging priorities, as the impact of the crisis on vulnerable groups and charities is understood. Applications will open on Friday 22 May. Find out more and apply for funding on National Lottery Community Fund.
£5 million Loneliness Covid-19 Grant Fund
National organisations working to tackle loneliness and build social connections are invited to apply for a share of £5 million of funding, which the government is investing to help them to continue and adapt their critical work. Details of the fund are available here.
Barclays' 100x100 UK COVID-19 Community Relief Programme
Through Barclays' 100x100 UK COVID-19 Community Relief Programme, we are making 100 donations of £100,000 each to UK charities working to support vulnerable communities impacted by COVID-19, and the associated social and economic hardship caused by the crisis – a £10m commitment from our Charity Partners Programme. The programme will focus on supporting charity partners who are meeting the immediate needs of people in our communities, including low income families, those facing financial hardship, isolated elderly people and key workers.
UK registered charities are invited to apply for a donation to support their relief work by the closing date of Friday 22 May, 2020. To apply for funding please use this link:
The National Lottery Covid-19 Support
The National Lottery Community Fund is offering grants of up to and over £10,000 to support people affected by the crisis. Details of open funds are available on their webpage.
Fundraising helpline
KEDA Consulting has set up a fundraising helpline for charities seeking advice on how to respond to the fundraising challenges presented by COVID-19. They can help with information, advice and signposting in relation to COVID-19 fundraising queries. Tel: 0191 261 7756 or email (Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm).
Guidance on Volunteers and Safeguarding
Government Advice on safeguarding and recruiting volunteers during this time here and a statement on DBS checks.
SAFE cic’s advice to volunteer groups helping vulnerable people during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, available here
London Funders: New emergency support fund announced to help community and voluntary organisations.
Further information about the fund available on the London Funders' website. Full details of the fund and how to apply are yet to be announced.
Coronavirus Mental Health Response Fund for voluntary sector mental health providers
Thanks to £5m support from the Government, Mind is administering a £5m grant fund in partnership with other leading mental health providers in England. The National Survivor User Network (NSUN) will administer part of the fund to ensure that smaller community organisations who might not meet all the standard eligibility criteria can apply. Details are available on the NSUN website. Find out more on the Association of Mental Health Providers website and Mind’s website.
National Emergencies Trust Appeal
The National Emergencies Trust has launched a public appeal to raise funds for local charities and grassroots organisations that provide vital support to people affected by COVID-19. Information on how to apply for aid will be available from 23 March. Details here.
NCVO support for charities
NCVO will be supporting charities and volunteers during the coronavirus outbreak by providing guidance and information, lobbying Government to support charities and supporting the coordination of volunteering. Please let them know how you are being affected by emailing
Workplace safety
Guidance on protecting workers
Ethical Trading Initiative and FairWear joint guidance and checklist on occupational health and safety during Covid-19.
covid-19 reports
Exposing the Hidden Victims of COVID-19
Freedom United have created a call to action brief demanding better protection for victims and communities vulnerable to modern slavery during the pandemic.