The APPG on Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery conducted a rapid inquiry to better understand how the Covid-19pandemic impacted the picture of modern slavery in the UK and the experiences of survivors and support services. The HTF Chairman, who is Special Adviser to the APPG, wrote to organisations regarding the inquiry’s progress on 1 June 2020. Please find attached.
Please see documents from the secretariat below:
Evidence submitted to the Inquiry
The Human Trafficking Foundation would like to thank every organisation and individual who provided evidence to the inquiry. Written submissions with permission to publish are provided below. Submissions made via email have been re-formatted by the secretariat into a table format. Please note submissions reflect the experiences of organisations and individuals at the time of submission, between 24 April and 4 May 2020, and circumstances may have changed since.
ATLEU (Anti-Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit)
ATMG (Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group)
Unseen UK submission written for the DCMS
Victim Care Contract subcontractor caseworker (anonymous)